The SFP: kBox is the program for you who want an easy-to-follow flywheel training program

$45 gives you access to all available programs, downloadable PDFs and workout descriptions for a full year!

Here's how it works

  • Training outline

    The majority of the exercises are compound movements such as deadlifts, squats and high pull with complimentary accessory exercises.

  • Sets, reps and inertia

    You will work with different amounts of inertia, reps and tempo throughout the program, this will be clarified for each individual exercise.

  • Re-cycle the program

    After finishing the program, you can start all over again only adjusting inertia, reps and tempo to your workouts.

Contact us!

  • [email protected]

    For any questions on the program, practicalities or how to enroll, don't hesitate to reach out to us!